Mind Set

Do you need your M&M’s?

I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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Do you need your M&M’S?  No, not the bright colored candies that most people love as kids.  Okay, I loved them as an adult too until I gave up sugar.  Now it’s really hard to eat them.  But their little characters are cool.  Let’s talk about the real M&M’s.


Your real M&M’s are Motivation and Momentum.  These two M words can kick you in the butt and carry you and your business.


Motivation comes from a lot of different places: your purpose, your “why”, your wants & needs, your must do’s or must haves.  This could be building your business to support your family, building a business to change peoples lives or building an empire to change the world.

If you ever lose motivation always go back to why you were doing this to start with.  If you aren’t sure what your purpose is, then get sure.  Your purpose in this season may be completely different than your purpose 5 years from now.  That’s okay.

So how do you get your motivation back when you’ve been kicked around and feel lost? 

Analyze how you ended up where you are now.  Be honest, was it Covid-19, riots or bad decisions or bad implementation or lack of paying attention to your industry or fear of success or fear of failure?  Figure out how you lost your motivation so this process does not repeat itself.

How do you get your motivation back?

Motivating factor #1: One way to get your motivation back is to simply kick yourself in the butt.  Get up and go.  If you know where you want to go, then go.  If you aren’t sure, get sure.  If you have two routes to take, pick one.  Don’t sit on the fence forever.

Motivating factor #2: Your customers.  Who are you helping with your business?  These people need you.  If you aren’t in the market place serving them, they either do without or get taken advantage of by someone who is not as good as you.

Motivating factor #3: You don’t have a choice.  When your back is against the wall, it’s easy to get motivated because if you don’t you will fail.  No one likes to lose so get moving.

Motivating Factor #4: Move it or lose it.  The world moves at a very fast pace these days.  The sooner you can make a decision the more successful you and your company will be.  Taking action may be the one thing that sets you apart from your competitor.

Knowing who you are and what you are meant to do will allow you to say no to things that don’t align with your purpose and say yes to the things that do.  FOCUS is another key to success. 

Motivation is easier to get back than momentum.


It is very, very hard to get your momentum back when it’s gone. 

So, number one: don’t lose momentum. 

Number two, if you lost momentum, get it back.


If you have momentum, keep it going.  Use it to your advantage.  If you launched one product and you have 100 happy customers, launch another product or launch the same product to more customers.

If the snowball is rolling down the hill, let it build.  Let it build and roll with it.  Do not put the breaks on.  Don’t wait for perfection, just go.

I have seen two different men launch million dollar and multi-million dollar businesses and they made up their products and services as they went along.  That is not my style.  I like to have a strategic plan in place and go, but not every one does that.  But when my sales & marketing snowball starts to roll, I am rolling with it not putting a boulder in the way.

ACTION is the best thing to help you get momentum.

If you don’t have momentum right now, BUILD IT!

You need sales – design a sales & marketing plan but IMPLEMENT it.  DO IT EVERY DAY!!

If you need a new service or product or revamp the one you have – work on it every day but don’t wait for perfection.  Perfection is an illusion that does not exist.  It is also an excuse to sit back and let fear win. 

I am not saying turn out junk, test your product, make it as good as possible with the resources that you have.  But get it out there.  You don’t have to worry about being good or great because if you don’t out it out there you don’t exist.

Build your own momentum on step at a time, one day at a time.  Do this with ACTION.

Get motivated and build your momentum.  Then keep the momentum going by adding fuel to the fire on a regular basis.

Here’s to your success!


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