Mind Set

Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude

I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the USA and to anyone else who celebrates this day.  Yes, I know it is an American Holiday but I know a lot of people outside the USA that enjoy having a day to give thanks too.

This Holiday is a good reminder that no matter how the year has gone there is always something to be thankful for.

In our personal lives, all the craziness from Covid-19 to riots to an election that isn’t solved yet and back to Covid again, the stress can over take you.  So how do you deal with this?

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Focus on what you can control, not on what you can’t control. 

We can control how we react to events.  We can control how we treat people.  We can control our emotions and not let them engulf us when everything goes off the rails.

We can take care of our bodies and our mental health and take care of our families too.  We can vote in the politicians whose policies align with ours and then keep them ACCOUNTABLE for their decisions.  Whether you are pro-lockdown or anti-lockdown we need to make sure that our rights are not violated.

Making your health a priority is a key for this time and the future.  As you get older, it gets harder to stay in shape.  But staying is shape is much easier than getting back into shape, so don’t get out of shape.

A grateful heart is linked to happiness, success and health.  Staying grateful will put you in a position to make better decisions about your life and your business.  It will keep your mind in a better position to make better decisions.  Operating out of fear is a recipe for disaster.  Stay in love and peace and you will automatically be able to handle things better.

Guard your business and grow your business.

Did I really say GROW your business in 2020?  Heck, yes!

For small businesses this year has been a rollercoaster ride like no other.  It has been up and down and all around.  I have seen some businesses and industries absolutely kick butt this year with no slow down whatsoever.  I have also seen multiple companies get absolutely wiped out on March only to come roaring back at the end of April with a better business than they had before.  I’ve also watched my friends in the restaurant industry hanging on for life.  Keep hanging on – you can turn anything around.

Grow your business now?  Yes, now more than ever it is important to be online and reach more people.  Now is the time to add products and services that compliment the ones that you already have.

Now is the time to expand!

Business expansion

Yes, now if a great time to expand.  There is a lot of talented people out there that need jobs or side gigs.  There is a great demand for certain products and services. No, you won’t be delivering them face to face or in person but if nothing else, 2020 has given us new ways to communicate online and more distribution systems to deliver goods.

Okay, Amazon is having a hard time keeping up.  Amazon does not have enough warehouse space to house everything.  Having a 3rd party logistics warehouse is very important right now. Toy manufacturers do not get the same treatment as the paper towels and hand sanitizer.  Just ask an Amazon seller.

However, with an Internet connection and the right software, service based businesses can expand (and a really good service that people need) and the product based companies can always expand if they have a good distribution system.

Product based companies have always been able to grow exponentially whereas service based businesses are still limited by man hours which is why so many service businesses are now offering products as well.

If you are struggling this year, go back to your core.  What are your core services or products?  What are your core skills?  What are your core values?  Every company has values even if you don’t think about them.  But you need to think about them to strategically place your company in the marketplace.

You and your business can overcome anything that has happened this year.  Start with what you are grateful for.  Then take your core and figure our how to expand.  Don’t listen to the negative news.  You can do anything you believe is possible.

Set your goals and get out there and make it happen!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Peace, Love & Prosperity,


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