
The Joy of Easter

I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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Why is Easter the most glorious Holiday of the year?  Because Jesus gave us the possibility to live forever.  He sacrificed himself to pay for our sins and allow us to be reconciled to God.  He was the second Adam because the first Adam (Adam & Eve) introduced sin to the world and the second Adam (Jesus (in the form of a man)), took away our sins forever. 

Jesus was the ultimate and forever sacrifice so that no more sacrifices had to be made.  All humans, if they accept Jesus into their hearts, are forgiven immediately of their past sins.  Then you get to know Jesus better and stop sinning all together.

Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly.  This means no more sin, no more shame, no more lack and no more disease.  You don’t have to live a less than life.  That is why Jesus came.

Jesus willingly sacrificed himself.  The religious people (the pharisees) and the roman soldiers tried to take him numerous times.  They could not touch him.  Just like Ben Kenobi telling the stormtroopers “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for”, Jesus walked through the midst of the soldiers and walked free every time.

When it was time, Jesus gave himself up and let the soldiers take him so that he could fulfill his purpose on earth.  He came to teach the people, to love the people and to heal the people and ultimately to die for the people.  Jesus went to the cross willingly to give us a better life.  To give us a magnificent life.  No one, and I mean no one, can take that away.  Not evil governments, not bad bosses, not a bad economy and no disease can take away your life in Jesus.

Jesus came to give you heaven on earth.  The Lord’s prayer is not an accident, it is not a thing to be memorized and recited.  Listen to the words.  God never uses a word that doesn’t have meaning or that cannot accomplish things.  God’s word never returns to him void.

Jesus said Heaven on Earth for a reason.  Does this mean that you won’t have trials and tribulations. No, but you will have the mind and tools to deal with anything that life throws at you.  You have the mind and strength to excel at whatever you choose to do.  To succeed and be blessed at whatever you were made for.  God designed you for success.  He gave you the tools to use.

It’s time to stop listening to anything that gives you limitations: whether it’s people, society or religion, break off the shackles and live free.  Get Jesus into your heart and go on the journey of a lifetime. 

Learn who Jesus is and what he has done for you and what incredible gifts he has given you.

If you don’t know who Jesus is, now is the time to get to know him.  He loves you and Holy Spirit will help guide you through this life.  Come get to know him.

If you already know Jesus, grab your Bible, and start reading the good stuff starting with the book of John.

If you don’t know who Jesus is yet, please say this pray with me:

“Jesus, I believe in you.  I believe you are the son of God and you died to take away my sins.  Please come into my heart.  I make you lord of my life and I will follow you all of my days.”

Life with Jesus is so much more incredible than life with out him. Come live the abundant life.


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