
Are you Building your Faith?

I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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Building your faith

Building your faith.  What does this mean?  To be honest, it never occurred to me that I needed to build my faith.  I mean, I think I was building it every day without thinking about it. 

Your faith is built in your everyday routine of worship & praise, prayer, and spending time with God.  I was doing it automatically through my routine which is different every day but using the same methods.

The methods are worship, prayer, and time alone with God but what occurs during those activities is always different.  God gives you what you need that day, your daily bread, to have an incredible life no matter what you face or what you are trying to accomplish that day.

God knows what your needs are and richly supplies those needs, not just in the spiritual realm but also in the natural realm. 

This past Spring my church spent 40 days working through the book “Igniting your faith in 40 days” by Steve and Wendy Backlund.  If you don’t have it, you need to get it.  It’s a brilliant book.

This book is small but mighty.  It is 1 page a day.  You read the topic of the day and then make a declaration at the end.  There is a corresponding scripture at the end of the book to match the daily reading.  You can read the entire book in an hour if you are just reading but please don’t do that.

This is a book to absorb.  Read the daily devotional and then make the declaration at the bottom of the page over your life.  These declarations are powerful.  The writings are enlightening and help you see the scripture in a new light – at least for me they did.

There are also 3 lists of declarations at the end of the book that I printed out and have separate from the book so that I can read some of them daily.  Some days I read 1 page of declarations sometimes I will read all 3. I memorized a lot of them and use them daily.  It comes automatically now.  Integrating these declarations into your daily prayer will help build your faith.

Abraham grew his faith.  Moses grew his faith.

We all start with the same amount of faith.  We all have a mustard seed of faith.  The seed can grow into a large tree, but it is up to us to grow it.

Hebrews chapter 11 talks about people who used faith to accomplish great things in their life.  Moses used his faith to save God’s people from the Egyptians.  He trusted God to save them when they were trapped between the water and Pharaohs army.  What did God do?  He parted the Red Sea and the people, young and old, and their livestock made it across the sea to another land.  Then the sea went back together and destroyed their enemies that followed them.

Abraham believed God for a son and received Isaac at an age when neither he nor his wife Sarah could bear children, but they did.  God said he would make Abraham a father of many nations and he did.  The gentiles becoming part of Gods family expanded God’s covenant with Abraham.

By faith, Noah built the ark and saved his entire family and each animal species (1 male and 1 female) so they could populate the earth after the evil was gone.

What is Faith?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Faith is what brings things into existence. 

  • Faith is what keeps you going when all looks lost. 
  • Faith is what strengthens you and makes all things possible.
  • Faith is what helps make your dreams come true.
  • Faith is what gives you endurance to the end.
  • Faith is what moves mountains.
  • Faith is what makes all things possible.
  • Faith is how you bring Heaven to Earth
  • Faith is how you live the most incredible life possible here on earth.

Faith is believing in God and what he is capable of and what he created you to accomplish on earth.  He gave you everything you need to have a rich, prosperous, blossoming life on earth.

God responds to faith not to need.  God knows you need things.  He knows everything you need and want.  He will give you what you want.  But you have to ask.

You have not because you ask not.

Asking without believing is futile.  Believe that you will receive what you ask for.  Believe that you can have what you want here on earth.  Good relationships, a successful business, your choice career/job, divine health, your children’s health, your children’s relationship with God, a beautiful, peaceful home filled with love.

Whatever your hearts desires are God will gladly give them to you.  Most people don’t really believe this and that’s why they aren’t living their best life possible. 

If you want to change your life, build your faith.  It doesn’t come on a silver platter, nothing does.  Build your faith and watch God move. God gave you the power to get wealth.  He gave you the power to bring Heaven to earth.  He gave you the power to create. He gave us power to change atmospheres, cities, regions and nations.

Your success in life starts with strong faith.  Build your relationship with God and build your faith.  With God all things are possible.  God did not give you dreams without giving you the power to achieve those dreams.

Whatever your dreams are, it’s time to bring them alive.  It’s time to implement them.  It’s time to take action.  It’s time to manifest your dreams.  Whether it’s having healthy children, creating a better school system, finding a cure for cancer, helping the homeless, building your dream house, finding a spouse or launching a new business or career.  Whatever you dream is write it down.   Make the vision plain.  Put it on paper for all to see.  Post your vision board so you see it every single day. 

It’s time to become the powerful person that God created you to be.

It’s time to achieve the impossible.  It’s time to become unstoppable.

Get God and grow with him.

Build your faith.  The time is NOW!

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