Mind Set


I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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I got so excited when I saw this book.  I thought it would be a lot like my class and maybe even be a competitor to my classes.  Just the opposite.  This book is a great addition to my classes.

This book “Get out of Debt in 50 days” has very little to do with the mechanical side of debt.  This book covers the spiritual side of debt and the mindset issues that plague many people.

This book walks you through 7 steps that disciples did after Pentacost that changed the world.  If you want to change your world you need to go through this book and integrate those 7 steps into your life.

  1. LOVE. It starts with Love.  Loving yourself and loving each other.  No, not loving someone into hell with alternative lifestyles but loving each other as God loves us.  Once you love yourself and let the past go, it makes it easier to step into your future.
  2. Pray.  Your day should begin and end with pray.  God is the alpha and the omega.  The beginning and the end.  If you aren’t starting and ending your day hanging out with the higher power that made you, you are missing out on the relationship of a lifetime.  Don’t be the person that only talks to God in emergencies.  He cares about every aspect of your life.  Bring him into all areas of your life and watch your life flourish.
  3. Fast.  Every so often as you feel led, you should fast.  Just like you need to weed your garden, you need to clean your closet and clean your house and get rid of things you don’t need, fasting is a great way to clean the cobwebs out of your mind and get closer to God.  Food and all the things that go with it (planning, buying, meal prep) take this out of the way and it clears your brain to get closer to the entity that made you.
  4. Speak Faith.  The words coming out of your mouth are so very, very important.  Life and death are in the power of the tongue Proverbs 18:21. You get what you say you get.  Regardless of the state of your finances start proclaiming victory in your finances.  Say to yourself: “I am healthy, wealthy and wise”.  Pray over your business, job, and bank account.  Believe for financial turnaround but also take action to make it happen.  Words are action and actions are words.  Live out your faith.  Say it.  Believe it and implement it.
  5. Believe God.  The Bible says over and over that God wants you prosperous.  Not just the other guy – YOU! God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.  God gives you the power to get wealth. Deut. 8:18. Believe what God says and apply it to your life.  You are not an exemption. You are a child of God.  Wealth belongs to you.
  6. Get filled with the Holy Ghost.  If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart do so now.  Get filled with the Holy Spirit.  Invite him in.  He will guide you in your daily actions and give you strategies and blueprints for your business, career and financial moves.  Do not be afraid to let him in.  He is the best friend you will ever have and will assist you in all areas of your life including your finances.
  7. EXPECT A MIRACLE.  Expect.  Raise your expectations.  Too many people have settled for less.  Too many people have settled.  Get your money mindset corrected and on track with what God says and watch your finances turn around.

This book is a quick and easy read but don’t power through it.  Read it, absorb it and put it into practice.  My blog is the cliff note version – please honor the man that wrote the book and order his book.  It is a gold mine.

Make a decision right here, right now that you will change your financial picture now and in the future by changing your mindset.  Get this book and out these things into practice.

If you need help with crunching the numbers, understanding finance and weekly support please come join me in my financial classes.

Here’s to your prosperity, health and wholeness in Jesus’s name!  Amen.


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