Health & Fitness

On the Bookshelf: Eat for Life

I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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On the Bookshelf: Eat for Life by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

What good does all the time and money in the world do for you if you don’t have your health? Not much.  Our health is vital to enjoy our lives and to live the life we really desire.  You can’t accomplish your goals, dreams and purpose if you aren’t healthy enough to do the things you love and were called to do.

I’ve read a lot of books on health and as a relatively healthy person I took my health for granted for most of my life.  But as you get older you realize that your body only lasts so long, and it doesn’t recover as easy from injuries and illnesses as it used to.

Yes, I started doing CrossFit at 57 and loved it but it wore me out.  But it proved to me that you can do anything you want at any age if you take care of your body.

Now more than ever, you need to take care of your health.  Our food supply is not anything close to what it used to be.  It is not even close to healthy at least not the USA.  Our government allows a lot of preservatives and food products (high fructose corn syrup) that are not used in most western countries due to the ill effects on our health.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman has written extensively about how to eat for life, how to end diabetes (a major issue in our nation).  He advocates the Nutritarian diet/lifestyle.

He teaches how to eat the G-BOMBS food.  He prefers you give up meat but for some of us this is not an option. What is G-BOMBS?

Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds.  Now this may seem a little extreme for a. lot of people but when you cut the junk out of your life, you will see a huge difference.

This book also talks about the Keto and paleo diets and how cutting carbs is not really healthy long term.  We need 3 types of food to survive: fat, protein and carbs.  Cutting out one completely may work in the short-term, but will it give you a long healthy life?  Read this book.

One thing most people need to do is examine where their fat, protein and carbohydrates are coming from.  We all need fat. But there is a huge difference between getting your fat from an avocado or nuts as opposed to a soda and bag of chips.

We all need protein.  Here’s a question that was in Dr. Fuhrman’s book: what has more protein a steak or broccoli?  Yes, most people say the steak.  Most people are wrong.  Broccoli has more protein than a steak.

Knowledge is powerful.  If you want to take complete control over your life, you need to get educated. We have to take our personal education into our own hands.  I am not sure what they are teaching at the school system these days but I know that personal finance and health do not seem to be there.

My friend who is 90 years old is currently beating merkel cancer, a very aggressive form of skin cancer.  It is dissolving before our very eyes through prayer and Frankincense and juicing.  Almost all of the doctors that his wife talked said diet would not affect on his cancer.  Baloney! In this case, Jesus is healing his cancer.  But I know of at least 4 other people that beat stage 4 cancer through changing their diet.

What people did covid get the most of?  Overweight people were hurt the worst.  Why?  Because their heart and lungs were already working overtime.  Now more than ever it is very important to get your body in shape and take good care of it.

Jesus is the great healer.  But he would prefer to focus our time and attention on better things than cleaning up the messes we get ourselves into.  Watching the toxins that we put in and on our bodies is very important.

If you don’t have the Yuka app (photo of a little carrot), you need to download it.  It rates food products and cosmetics based on their ingredient list (from the barcode).  It provides research to tell you about the studies done on these ingredients. 

What I love about his book (besides great common sense, and good receipts and many testimonials) is the fact that he backs up his diet based on real life experience with his clients, and he sites real scientific studies that tell the truth.

If this eating/lifestyle seems too extreme for you then try Dr. Lovinggood’s book Living Good Daily.  Another gem in your good health section of your personal library.  Get it from the public library but get one of these books and take control over your health.  If you choose healthy foods and exercise, your body and mind will improve.  Your moods will improve and your memory should get better.  A lot of people have been able to get off medication completely.

Do your body good.  Do your health good.  Read these books and implement good nutrition and exercise for a long, healthy life.  These books actually make it fun and have great recipes.  Get started now!

Peace, love and prosperity,


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