Mind Set

Finding Your Passion

I'm Deborah 

I am a number crunching creative who loves to dream, build, and achieve. My goal is to empower women to build their business and live the life of your dreams.

Does it happen overnight? No, of course not. It takes work to build a life and work to build a business. Working hard is good, we should all know how to do this but working smart is better.

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Finding Your Passion

How to find your passion again in the midst of a world gone crazy.  How did you find it in the first place?  Ignore the world and do what you love to do.  Even if everyone is telling you this is a bad time or that it can’t be done.  Now, more than ever the world needs people to step up and stand out and do the right thing.  Lead by example.

Do what you love and share it with the world. That is your purpose.  If you have let too many people talk you out of it, talk yourself back into it.  Find a way to do what you were meant to do.

There is no easier time than now to run a business.  Some people are scared to step out and run a business.  It will always be scary whether it is a good economy or a bad economy.  The USA economy has rebounded much stronger than anticipated.  Don’t wait for the perfect time.  There is no such thing.

Whatever your passion is, you can find a way to monetize it.  If you can’t figure this out or it will take time to make money off your dream business, keep your job and do it on the side until you can afford to leave the job.

How do you rekindle the passion when you’ve lost it?

I won’t tell you this is easy.  But I will tell you that it can be done.   While some businesses are struggling just to keep their head above water others are blooming like never before.

One way to get your passion back is to focus on your why.  Why did you start this business to begin with?  What do you love doing?  How can you help people?

Start with your “why” as Simon Sinek would say.  Your why is your purpose.  The reason behind your company.  The reason that you started the company to begin with.

If that reason has come & gone find another reason.  Easier said than done but sometimes you just need to kick yourself in the pants.  If you really don’t like your business, find someone who does and sell it to them.  Your not so great business may be someone else’s dream business.

Dare to dream again everyone.  But don’t just be a dreamer.  Be a doer.  Get your passion back.  Discover your why.  Set your Vision down on paper.  Then make plan to achieve that Vision.

It is up to you to make your dreams come true.

Til next time,


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